9.2. Ray Tune#
Ray Tune is mainly targeting hyperparameter tuning scenarios, combining model training, hyperparameter selection and parallel computing. It is based on Ray’s Actor, Task and Ray Train. It launches multiple machine learning training tasks in parallel and selecting the best hyperparameters. Ray Tune is compatible with common machine learning training frameworks such as PyTorch, Keras, and XGBoost, and provides common hyperparameter tuning algorithms (such as random search, Bayesian optimization, etc.) and tools (Hyperopt, Optuna). Users can perform batched hyperparameter tuning on Ray clusters based on Ray Tune. Readers can read Section 2.4 to review the background knowledge of hyperparameter tuning.
Key components#
Ray Tune mainly includes the following components:
Abstract the original training process into a trainable function (Trainable)
Define the hyperparameter search space to be searched
Use search algorithms and schedulers for parallel training and scheduling.
Fig. 9.2 shows the key parts of Ray Tune. The user creates a Tuner
, which contains the Trainable function to be trained, the hyperparameter search space, and the user-choosen search algorithm or a scheduler. Different hyperparameter combinations form different experiments, and Ray Tune trains in parallel based on the resources requested by the user and the existing resources of the cluster. The user can analyze the results of multiple experiments.
Like other hyperparameter optimization libraries, Ray Tune requires an optimization objective, which is the direction that Ray Tune tries to optimize, generally some machine learning training indicators, such as the accuracy of model predictions. Ray Tune users need to encapsulate the optimization objective in a trainable function, which can be modified on the original single-node machine learning training code. The Trainable function receives a dictionary-style configuration, and the keys in the dictionary are the hyperparameters to be searched. In the Trainable function, the optimization objective is stored in the form of ray.train.report(...)
, or returned directly as the return value of the Trainable function. For example, if the user wants to tune the hyperparameter lr
and the optimization objective is score
, in addition to the necessary training code, the Trainable function is as follows:
def trainable(config):
lr = config["lr"]
# Training code ...
# Return optimization target using ray.train.report
ray.train.report({"score": ...})
# Or use return or yield to return directly
return {"score": ...}
Example: Image classification#
Based on the image classification example and search for the two hyperparameters lr
and momentum
. The Trainable function is train_mnist()
in the code:
Show code cell content
import os
import tempfile
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torchvision
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from torchvision.models import resnet18
from ray import tune
from ray.tune.schedulers import ASHAScheduler
import ray
import ray.train.torch
from ray.train import Checkpoint
data_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "../data")
def train_func(model, optimizer, criterion, train_loader):
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
for data, target in train_loader:
data, target = data.to(device), target.to(device)
output = model(data)
loss = criterion(output, target)
def test_func(model, data_loader):
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
correct = 0
total = 0
with torch.no_grad():
for data, target in data_loader:
data, target = data.to(device), target.to(device)
outputs = model(data)
_, predicted = torch.max(outputs.data, 1)
total += target.size(0)
correct += (predicted == target).sum().item()
return correct / total
def train_mnist(config):
transform = torchvision.transforms.Compose(
torchvision.transforms.Normalize((0.5,), (0.5,))]
train_loader = DataLoader(
torchvision.datasets.FashionMNIST(root=data_dir, train=True, download=True, transform=transform),
test_loader = DataLoader(
torchvision.datasets.FashionMNIST(root=data_dir, train=False, download=True, transform=transform),
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
model = resnet18(num_classes=10)
model.conv1 = torch.nn.Conv2d(
1, 64, kernel_size=(7, 7), stride=(2, 2), padding=(3, 3), bias=False
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(
model.parameters(), lr=config["lr"], momentum=config["momentum"])
# train for 10 epoch
for epoch in range(10):
train_func(model, optimizer, criterion, train_loader)
acc = test_func(model, test_loader)
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_checkpoint_dir:
checkpoint = None
if (epoch + 1) % 5 == 0:
os.path.join(temp_checkpoint_dir, "model.pth")
checkpoint = Checkpoint.from_directory(temp_checkpoint_dir)
ray.train.report({"mean_accuracy": acc}, checkpoint=checkpoint)
Ray Tune supports both function and class methods to define Trainable. In this example, the function method is used. The difference between the function method and the class method is shown in Table 9.1.
Content |
Function API |
Class API |
One training iteration |
Each time |
Each time |
Report back |
Call |
Returned by |
Write Checkpoint |
Call |
Implement |
Read Checkpoint |
Call |
Implement |
Read different hyperparameter combinations |
Search Space#
The search space is the possible values of the hyperparameters. Ray Tune provides some methods to define the search space. For example, ray.tune.choice()
selects possible values from a range, and ray.tune.uniform()
selects possible values from a uniform distribution. Now set the search space for the two hyperparameters lr
and momentum
search_space = {
"lr": tune.choice([0.001, 0.002, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05]),
"momentum": tune.uniform(0.1, 0.9),
Search algorithm and scheduler#
In Ray Tune’s hyperparameter search, the core concepts are search algorithm and scheduler. The search algorithm is responsible for selecting hyperparameter combinations from the search space for experimentation; the scheduler terminates poorly performing experiments to save computing resources. The search algorithm is required, but the scheduler is not. For example, you can combine random search with the ASHA scheduler to let the scheduler terminate some poorly performing experiments.
In addition, some hyperparameter optimization libraries such as Hyperopt and Optuna usually provide encapsulated search algorithms, and some libraries also provide schedulers. These libraries have their own specific usage methods. Ray Tune encapsulates these libraries to unify the usage experience of different libraries.
The following is an example of using random search:
trainable_with_gpu = tune.with_resources(train_mnist, {"gpu": 1})
tuner = tune.Tuner(
results = tuner.fit()
Tune Status
Current time: | 2024-04-11 21:24:22 |
Running for: | 00:03:56.63 |
Memory: | 12.8/90.0 GiB |
System Info
Using FIFO scheduling algorithm.Logical resource usage: 0/64 CPUs, 1.0/4 GPUs (0.0/1.0 accelerator_type:TITAN)
Trial Status
Trial name | status | loc | lr | momentum | acc | iter | total time (s) |
train_mnist_421ef_00000 | TERMINATED | | 0.002 | 0.29049 | 0.8686 | 10 | 228.323 |
(train_mnist pid=41485) Checkpoint successfully created at: Checkpoint(filesystem=local, path=/home/u20200002/ray_results/train_mnist_2024-04-11_21-20-25/train_mnist_421ef_00000_0_lr=0.0020,momentum=0.2905_2024-04-11_21-20-26/checkpoint_000000)
(train_mnist pid=41485) Checkpoint successfully created at: Checkpoint(filesystem=local, path=/home/u20200002/ray_results/train_mnist_2024-04-11_21-20-25/train_mnist_421ef_00000_0_lr=0.0020,momentum=0.2905_2024-04-11_21-20-26/checkpoint_000001)
2024-04-11 21:24:22,692 WARNING experiment_state.py:205 -- Experiment state snapshotting has been triggered multiple times in the last 5.0 seconds. A snapshot is forced if `CheckpointConfig(num_to_keep)` is set, and a trial has checkpointed >= `num_to_keep` times since the last snapshot.
You may want to consider increasing the `CheckpointConfig(num_to_keep)` or decreasing the frequency of saving checkpoints.
You can suppress this error by setting the environment variable TUNE_WARN_EXCESSIVE_EXPERIMENT_CHECKPOINT_SYNC_THRESHOLD_S to a smaller value than the current threshold (5.0).
2024-04-11 21:24:22,696 INFO tune.py:1016 -- Wrote the latest version of all result files and experiment state to '/home/u20200002/ray_results/train_mnist_2024-04-11_21-20-25' in 0.0079s.
2024-04-11 21:24:22,706 INFO tune.py:1048 -- Total run time: 236.94 seconds (236.62 seconds for the tuning loop).
The scheduler analyzes the performance of each trial and uses an early stopping strategy to terminate poorly performing trials early to save computing resources and allocate resources to the most promising trials. The following example uses the ASHA algorithm [Li et al., 2018] for scheduling.
In the previous example, no ray.tune.TuneConfig
is set, and only one trial is performed by default. Next, we set the num_samples
parameter in ray.tune.TuneConfig
, which defines the number of trials to run. At the same time, use ray.tune.schedulers.ASHAScheduler to terminate poorly performing experiments and leave resources for more promising experiments. The parameters metric
and mode
of ASHAScheduler
define the metric and direction of optimization. In this case, the goal is to maximize “mean_accuracy”.
tuner = tune.Tuner(
scheduler=ASHAScheduler(metric="mean_accuracy", mode="max"),
results = tuner.fit()
(train_mnist pid=41806) Checkpoint successfully created at: Checkpoint(filesystem=local, path=/home/u20200002/ray_results/train_mnist_2024-04-11_21-24-22/train_mnist_cf61b_00002_2_lr=0.0020,momentum=0.4789_2024-04-11_21-24-22/checkpoint_000000)
(train_mnist pid=42212) Checkpoint successfully created at: Checkpoint(filesystem=local, path=/home/u20200002/ray_results/train_mnist_2024-04-11_21-24-22/train_mnist_cf61b_00005_5_lr=0.0050,momentum=0.8187_2024-04-11_21-24-22/checkpoint_000000) [repeated 2x across cluster] (Ray deduplicates logs by default. Set RAY_DEDUP_LOGS=0 to disable log deduplication, or see https://docs.ray.io/en/master/ray-observability/ray-logging.html#log-deduplication for more options.)
(train_mnist pid=41806) Checkpoint successfully created at: Checkpoint(filesystem=local, path=/home/u20200002/ray_results/train_mnist_2024-04-11_21-24-22/train_mnist_cf61b_00002_2_lr=0.0020,momentum=0.4789_2024-04-11_21-24-22/checkpoint_000001)
(train_mnist pid=41809) Checkpoint successfully created at: Checkpoint(filesystem=local, path=/home/u20200002/ray_results/train_mnist_2024-04-11_21-24-22/train_mnist_cf61b_00003_3_lr=0.0100,momentum=0.4893_2024-04-11_21-24-22/checkpoint_000001)
(train_mnist pid=42394) Checkpoint successfully created at: Checkpoint(filesystem=local, path=/home/u20200002/ray_results/train_mnist_2024-04-11_21-24-22/train_mnist_cf61b_00006_6_lr=0.0200,momentum=0.1573_2024-04-11_21-24-22/checkpoint_000000)
(train_mnist pid=42212) Checkpoint successfully created at: Checkpoint(filesystem=local, path=/home/u20200002/ray_results/train_mnist_2024-04-11_21-24-22/train_mnist_cf61b_00005_5_lr=0.0050,momentum=0.8187_2024-04-11_21-24-22/checkpoint_000001)
(train_mnist pid=42619) Checkpoint successfully created at: Checkpoint(filesystem=local, path=/home/u20200002/ray_results/train_mnist_2024-04-11_21-24-22/train_mnist_cf61b_00008_8_lr=0.0500,momentum=0.7167_2024-04-11_21-24-22/checkpoint_000000)
(train_mnist pid=42394) Checkpoint successfully created at: Checkpoint(filesystem=local, path=/home/u20200002/ray_results/train_mnist_2024-04-11_21-24-22/train_mnist_cf61b_00006_6_lr=0.0200,momentum=0.1573_2024-04-11_21-24-22/checkpoint_000001)
(train_mnist pid=42619) Checkpoint successfully created at: Checkpoint(filesystem=local, path=/home/u20200002/ray_results/train_mnist_2024-04-11_21-24-22/train_mnist_cf61b_00008_8_lr=0.0500,momentum=0.7167_2024-04-11_21-24-22/checkpoint_000001)
(train_mnist pid=43231) Checkpoint successfully created at: Checkpoint(filesystem=local, path=/home/u20200002/ray_results/train_mnist_2024-04-11_21-24-22/train_mnist_cf61b_00014_14_lr=0.0200,momentum=0.7074_2024-04-11_21-24-22/checkpoint_000000)
(train_mnist pid=43231) Checkpoint successfully created at: Checkpoint(filesystem=local, path=/home/u20200002/ray_results/train_mnist_2024-04-11_21-24-22/train_mnist_cf61b_00014_14_lr=0.0200,momentum=0.7074_2024-04-11_21-24-22/checkpoint_000001)
2024-04-11 21:34:30,051 WARNING experiment_state.py:205 -- Experiment state snapshotting has been triggered multiple times in the last 5.0 seconds. A snapshot is forced if `CheckpointConfig(num_to_keep)` is set, and a trial has checkpointed >= `num_to_keep` times since the last snapshot.
You may want to consider increasing the `CheckpointConfig(num_to_keep)` or decreasing the frequency of saving checkpoints.
You can suppress this error by setting the environment variable TUNE_WARN_EXCESSIVE_EXPERIMENT_CHECKPOINT_SYNC_THRESHOLD_S to a smaller value than the current threshold (5.0).
2024-04-11 21:34:30,067 INFO tune.py:1016 -- Wrote the latest version of all result files and experiment state to '/home/u20200002/ray_results/train_mnist_2024-04-11_21-24-22' in 0.0224s.
2024-04-11 21:34:30,083 INFO tune.py:1048 -- Total run time: 607.32 seconds (607.25 seconds for the tuning loop).
During the training process, the selected hyperparameter values and targets for each trial are printed on the screen. For trials with poor performance, early stopping is adopted after a few iterations. We visualize the results of these trials:
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
dfs = {result.path: result.metrics_dataframe for result in results}
ax = None
for d in dfs.values():
ax = d.mean_accuracy.plot(ax=ax, legend=False)
ax.set_ylabel("Mean Accuracy")
Text(0, 0.5, 'Mean Accuracy')
The above is a complete example of Ray Tune. Next, we will show several examples using different search algorithms and schedulers.
Example: Airplane Delay Prediction#
This example uses XGBoost to predict whether there will be a delay based on airplane takeoff and landing data. As a tree model, XGBoost has hyperparameters in the training process, including tree depth.
import os
import tempfile
import sys
from utils import nyc_flights
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
import torchvision
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from torchvision.models import resnet18
import ray
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from ray.tune.search.hyperopt import HyperOptSearch
import xgboost as xgb
from ray import tune
from ray.tune.schedulers import AsyncHyperBandScheduler
from ray.tune.integration.xgboost import TuneReportCheckpointCallback
from ray.tune.schedulers import PopulationBasedTraining
folder_path = nyc_flights()
file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, "nyc-flights", "1991.csv")
Read the data and perform necessary data preprocessing:
input_cols = [
df = pd.read_csv(file_path, usecols=input_cols,)
# Predict whether it is delayed
df["ArrDelayBinary"] = 1.0 * (df["ArrDelay"] > 10)
df = df[df.columns.difference(["ArrDelay"])]
for col in df.select_dtypes(["object"]).columns:
df[col] = df[col].astype("category").cat.codes.astype(np.int32)
for col in df.columns:
df[col] = df[col].astype(np.float32)
The params
parameter of the XGBoost train()
function receives hyperparameters such as tree depth. It should be noted that the train()
function provided by training frameworks such as XGBoost does not have an explicit iterative training process like for epoch in range(...)
in PyTorch. If you want to feedback performance indicators immediately after each training iteration, you need to pass a callback function in the callbacks
of train()
. Ray provides TuneReportCheckpointCallback
, which reports relevant indicators to Ray Tune after each training iteration. Specifically in this example, the params
parameter of the train()
function of XGBoost passed "eval_metric": ["logloss", "error"]
, which indicates the metric during evaluation; evals=[(test_set, "eval")]
means that only the metric of the validation set is concerned; the above two together indicate that the logloss
and error
metrics are calculated for the validation set, and when reported to Ray Tune, the metric names are eval-logloss
and eval-error
def train_flight(config: dict):
"objective": "binary:logistic",
"eval_metric": ["logloss", "error"]
_y_label = "ArrDelayBinary"
train_x, test_x, train_y, test_y = train_test_split(
df.loc[:, df.columns != _y_label],
train_set = xgb.DMatrix(train_x, label=train_y)
test_set = xgb.DMatrix(test_x, label=test_y)
evals=[(test_set, "eval")],
# After each iteration, `TuneReportCheckpointCallback` feeds back the evaluation metrics to Ray Tune
We use the Bayesian optimization search algorithm provided by the hyperopt
package at the bottom level. If this package is not installed, please install it first: pip install hyperopt
. These packages usually have their own search space definition format, and users can also directly use the search space definition method provided by Ray Tune.
For the scheduler, we use the Hyperband scheduling algorithm. AsyncHyperBandScheduler
is the implementation of the Hyperband algorithm recommended by Ray Tune. It is asynchronous and can make better use of computing resources. In AsyncHyperBandScheduler
, time_attr
is the unit that describes the training time. The default is training_iteration
, which means the time required for one training iteration cycle. time_attr
is the basic time unit for computing resource quota. Other parameters of AsyncHyperBandScheduler
are highly related to the time unit specified by time_attr
. For example, max_t
is the total time available for each trial, that is, a trial can get a maximum of max_t
* time_attr
computing resource quota; grace_period
means that at least grace_period
* time_attr
computing resource quota is given to each trial. reduction_factor
is the \(\eta\) mentioned in Section 2.4, and brackets
is the concept of combinations involved in the Hyperband algorithm.
search_space = {
"max_depth": tune.randint(1, 9),
"min_child_weight": tune.choice([1, 2, 3]),
"subsample": tune.uniform(0.5, 1.0),
"eta": tune.loguniform(1e-4, 1e-1),
scheduler = AsyncHyperBandScheduler(
tuner = tune.Tuner(
results = tuner.fit()
Tune Status
Current time: | 2024-04-17 23:23:16 |
Running for: | 00:00:10.45 |
Memory: | 12.6/90.0 GiB |
System Info
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=16Bracket: Iter 8.000: -0.2197494153541173 | Iter 4.000: -0.21991977574377797 | Iter 2.000: -0.2211587603958556 | Iter 1.000: -0.22190215118710216
Bracket: Iter 8.000: -0.2228778516006133 | Iter 4.000: -0.2228778516006133 | Iter 2.000: -0.22374514085706762
Bracket: Iter 8.000: -0.2238690393222754 | Iter 4.000: -0.2238690393222754
Logical resource usage: 1.0/64 CPUs, 0/4 GPUs (0.0/1.0 accelerator_type:TITAN)
Trial Status
Trial name | status | loc | eta | max_depth | min_child_weight | subsample | iter | total time (s) | eval-logloss | eval-error |
train_flight_63737_00000 | TERMINATED | | 0.0160564 | 2 | 3 | 0.963344 | 10 | 0.958357 | 0.522242 | 0.222878 |
train_flight_63737_00001 | TERMINATED | | 0.0027667 | 3 | 3 | 0.930057 | 10 | 1.11445 | 0.525986 | 0.219595 |
train_flight_63737_00002 | TERMINATED | | 0.00932612 | 3 | 1 | 0.532473 | 1 | 0.698576 | 0.53213 | 0.223699 |
train_flight_63737_00003 | TERMINATED | | 0.0807042 | 7 | 1 | 0.824932 | 10 | 1.27819 | 0.42436 | 0.176524 |
train_flight_63737_00004 | TERMINATED | | 0.0697454 | 1 | 2 | 0.908686 | 10 | 1.01485 | 0.516239 | 0.223466 |
train_flight_63737_00005 | TERMINATED | | 0.00334937 | 4 | 2 | 0.799064 | 10 | 0.983133 | 0.528863 | 0.223869 |
train_flight_63737_00006 | TERMINATED | | 0.00637837 | 5 | 2 | 0.555629 | 2 | 0.691448 | 0.528233 | 0.22136 |
train_flight_63737_00007 | TERMINATED | | 0.000145799 | 8 | 3 | 0.84289 | 1 | 0.668353 | 0.532382 | 0.223079 |
train_flight_63737_00008 | TERMINATED | | 0.0267405 | 5 | 1 | 0.766606 | 2 | 0.692802 | 0.520686 | 0.221159 |
train_flight_63737_00009 | TERMINATED | | 0.00848009 | 2 | 3 | 0.576874 | 2 | 0.610592 | 0.53193 | 0.223745 |
train_flight_63737_00010 | TERMINATED | | 0.0016903 | 8 | 3 | 0.824537 | 2 | 0.716938 | 0.532519 | 0.22407 |
train_flight_63737_00011 | TERMINATED | | 0.005344 | 7 | 1 | 0.921332 | 1 | 0.609434 | 0.532074 | 0.223993 |
train_flight_63737_00012 | TERMINATED | | 0.0956213 | 1 | 2 | 0.682057 | 8 | 0.791444 | 0.511592 | 0.219904 |
train_flight_63737_00013 | TERMINATED | | 0.00796245 | 5 | 2 | 0.570677 | 1 | 0.619144 | 0.531066 | 0.223172 |
train_flight_63737_00014 | TERMINATED | | 0.0106115 | 2 | 3 | 0.85295 | 1 | 0.582307 | 0.530977 | 0.222444 |
train_flight_63737_00015 | TERMINATED | | 0.0507297 | 1 | 1 | 0.720122 | 2 | 0.655333 | 0.527164 | 0.221283 |
(raylet) Warning: The actor ImplicitFunc is very large (27 MiB). Check that its definition is not implicitly capturing a large array or other object in scope. Tip: use ray.put() to put large objects in the Ray object store.
(train_flight pid=46796) Checkpoint successfully created at: Checkpoint(filesystem=local, path=/home/u20200002/ray_results/train_flight_2024-04-17_23-23-05/train_flight_63737_00004_4_eta=0.0697,max_depth=1,min_child_weight=2,subsample=0.9087_2024-04-17_23-23-08/checkpoint_000000)
2024-04-17 23:23:16,344 INFO tune.py:1016 -- Wrote the latest version of all result files and experiment state to '/home/u20200002/ray_results/train_flight_2024-04-17_23-23-05' in 0.0653s.
2024-04-17 23:23:16,362 INFO tune.py:1048 -- Total run time: 10.73 seconds (10.38 seconds for the tuning loop).
Tuner.fit() returns the results of all experiments in a ResultGrid and writes all the information to persistent storage. Users can view the effects of different hyperparameters, analyze and compare them:
results_df = results.get_dataframe()
results_df[["eval-error", "training_iteration", "config/max_depth", "config/min_child_weight", "config/subsample"]]
eval-error | training_iteration | config/max_depth | config/min_child_weight | config/subsample | |
0 | 0.222878 | 10 | 2 | 3 | 0.963344 |
1 | 0.219595 | 10 | 3 | 3 | 0.930057 |
2 | 0.223699 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 0.532473 |
3 | 0.176524 | 10 | 7 | 1 | 0.824932 |
4 | 0.223466 | 10 | 1 | 2 | 0.908686 |
5 | 0.223869 | 10 | 4 | 2 | 0.799064 |
6 | 0.221360 | 2 | 5 | 2 | 0.555629 |
7 | 0.223079 | 1 | 8 | 3 | 0.842890 |
8 | 0.221159 | 2 | 5 | 1 | 0.766606 |
9 | 0.223745 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 0.576874 |
10 | 0.224070 | 2 | 8 | 3 | 0.824537 |
11 | 0.223993 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 0.921332 |
12 | 0.219904 | 8 | 1 | 2 | 0.682057 |
13 | 0.223172 | 1 | 5 | 2 | 0.570677 |
14 | 0.222444 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 0.852950 |
15 | 0.221283 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0.720122 |
Example: Image classification based on PBT#
During the training process, PBT adjusts both the model weights and hyperparameters, so its training code must have code to update the model weights. In traditional PyTorch training, there is usually a loop structure like for epoch in range(...)
with a clear termination condition. Different from the usual PyTorch training, Ray Tune’s PBT training process does not set an explicit termination condition, but uses while True
to loop and iterate until the model performance reaches the expected level or the early stopping strategy is executed, and Ray Tune terminates the training.
data_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "../data")
def train_func(model, optimizer, criterion, train_loader):
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
for data, target in train_loader:
data, target = data.to(device), target.to(device)
output = model(data)
loss = criterion(output, target)
def test_func(model, data_loader):
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
correct = 0
total = 0
with torch.no_grad():
for data, target in data_loader:
data, target = data.to(device), target.to(device)
outputs = model(data)
_, predicted = torch.max(outputs.data, 1)
total += target.size(0)
correct += (predicted == target).sum().item()
return correct / total
def train_mnist(config):
step = 1
transform = torchvision.transforms.Compose(
torchvision.transforms.Normalize((0.5,), (0.5,))]
train_loader = DataLoader(
torchvision.datasets.FashionMNIST(root=data_dir, train=True, download=True, transform=transform),
test_loader = DataLoader(
torchvision.datasets.FashionMNIST(root=data_dir, train=False, download=True, transform=transform),
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
model = resnet18(num_classes=10)
model.conv1 = torch.nn.Conv2d(
1, 64, kernel_size=(7, 7), stride=(2, 2), padding=(3, 3), bias=False
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(
lr=config.get("lr", 0.01),
momentum=config.get("momentum", 0.9)
checkpoint = ray.train.get_checkpoint()
if checkpoint:
with checkpoint.as_directory() as checkpoint_dir:
checkpoint_dict = torch.load(os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, "checkpoint.pt"))
# Update the lr and momentum passed in by config to the optimizer
for param_group in optimizer.param_groups:
if "lr" in config:
param_group["lr"] = config["lr"]
if "momentum" in config:
param_group["momentum"] = config["momentum"]
last_step = checkpoint_dict["step"]
step = last_step + 1
# Ray Tune will terminate the test based on performance indicators
while True:
train_func(model, optimizer, criterion, train_loader)
acc = test_func(model, test_loader)
metrics = {"mean_accuracy": acc, "lr": config["lr"]}
if step % config["checkpoint_interval"] == 0:
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
"step": step,
"model_state_dict": model.state_dict(),
"optimizer_state_dict": optimizer.state_dict(),
os.path.join(tmpdir, "checkpoint.pt"),
ray.train.report(metrics, checkpoint=ray.train.Checkpoint.from_directory(tmpdir))
step += 1
Next, use PopulationBasedTraining to define the PBT scheduler. time_attr
is a time unit, just like the other schedulers mentioned above. perturbation_interval
means that some mutation perturbations are made to the hyperparameters at regular intervals to generate new hyperparameters. It usually uses the same value as checkpoint_interval
, because the hyperparameter mutation perturbations also write the checkpoint to persistent storage, which will bring additional overhead, so this value should not be set too frequently. The PBT algorithm selects possible mutated values from hyperparam_mutations
. hyperparam_mutations
is a key-value dictionary, and the content inside is the mutation value.
perturbation_interval = 5
scheduler = PopulationBasedTraining(
"lr": tune.uniform(0.0001, 1),
"momentum": [0.8, 0.9, 0.99],
Next, we can start training. We need to set a stopping condition for PBT, which in this case is when mean_accuracy
reaches 0.9 or a total of 20 iterations are completed.
tuner = tune.Tuner(
tune.with_resources(train_mnist, {"gpu": 1}),
# Stop condition: either `stop` or `training_iteration`, whichever is reached first
stop={"mean_accuracy": 0.9, "training_iteration": 20},
"lr": tune.uniform(0.001, 1),
"momentum": tune.uniform(0.001, 1),
"checkpoint_interval": perturbation_interval,
results_grid = tuner.fit()
Tune Status
Current time: | 2024-04-17 18:09:24 |
Running for: | 00:07:35.75 |
Memory: | 16.7/90.0 GiB |
System Info
PopulationBasedTraining: 9 checkpoints, 1 perturbsLogical resource usage: 0/64 CPUs, 1.0/4 GPUs (0.0/1.0 accelerator_type:TITAN)
Trial Status
Trial name | status | loc | lr | momentum | acc | iter | total time (s) | lr |
train_mnist_817a7_00000 | TERMINATED | | 0.291632 | 0.578225 | 0.901 | 7 | 163.06 | 0.291632 |
train_mnist_817a7_00001 | TERMINATED | | 0.63272 | 0.94472 | 0.0996 | 20 | 446.483 | 0.63272 |
train_mnist_817a7_00002 | TERMINATED | | 0.615735 | 0.0790379 | 0.901 | 9 | 219.548 | 0.615735 |
train_mnist_817a7_00003 | TERMINATED | | 0.127736 | 0.486793 | 0.9084 | 8 | 181.952 | 0.127736 |
2024-04-17 18:03:53,880 INFO pbt.py:716 -- [pbt]: no checkpoint for trial train_mnist_817a7_00003. Skip exploit for Trial train_mnist_817a7_00001
2024-04-17 18:09:24,486 WARNING experiment_state.py:205 -- Experiment state snapshotting has been triggered multiple times in the last 5.0 seconds. A snapshot is forced if `CheckpointConfig(num_to_keep)` is set, and a trial has checkpointed >= `num_to_keep` times since the last snapshot.
You may want to consider increasing the `CheckpointConfig(num_to_keep)` or decreasing the frequency of saving checkpoints.
You can suppress this error by setting the environment variable TUNE_WARN_EXCESSIVE_EXPERIMENT_CHECKPOINT_SYNC_THRESHOLD_S to a smaller value than the current threshold (5.0).
2024-04-17 18:09:24,492 INFO tune.py:1016 -- Wrote the latest version of all result files and experiment state to '/home/u20200002/ray_results/pbt_mnist' in 0.0111s.
2024-04-17 18:09:24,501 INFO tune.py:1048 -- Total run time: 455.82 seconds (455.74 seconds for the tuning loop).
After tuning, you can view the results of different hyperparameters. We select the best result and view the change process of lr
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
best_result = results_grid.get_best_result(metric="mean_accuracy", mode="max")
print('Best result path:', best_result.path)
print("Best final iteration hyperparameter config:\n", best_result.config)
df = best_result.metrics_dataframe
df = df.drop_duplicates(subset="training_iteration", keep="last")
df.plot("training_iteration", "mean_accuracy")
plt.xlabel("Training Iterations")
plt.ylabel("Test Accuracy")
Best result path: /home/u20200002/ray_results/pbt_mnist/train_mnist_817a7_00003_3_lr=0.1277,momentum=0.4868_2024-04-17_18-01-48
Best final iteration hyperparameter config:
{'lr': 0.1277359940819796, 'momentum': 0.48679312797681595, 'checkpoint_interval': 5}